Basic Operation Principles of Compressor

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Halla Global
Car Air Conditioning System
Basic Operation Principles of Compressor

Basic Operation Principles of Compressor


Pulley assembly

The power transmitted from the engine of the vehicle is connected to the belt to idle and then On / Off operation of the air conditioner enables the compressor.

Field coil assembly

A magnetic field is formed by a DC 12V power source from the positive (+), magnetic flux flows along the pulley wall to generate magnetic force and draw the disc of the hub assembly.

The Disc / Hub assembly

Closely in contact with the pulley without any gap in between by the magnetic force flowing along the wall, providing the motion force to the internal swash plate of the compressor to cause the piston to move and generate the process of compressing, sucking in and circulating the refrigerant.

Operation principle of compressor

The compressor increases the pressure of the refrigerant gas, ie., compressing the refrigerant gas. The compressor circulates the refrigerant in the cycle. Compared to the human body, the refrigerant directly corresponds to the blood while the compressor to the heart.

Functions and types of compressor

Specifically, in the evaporator, the low-pressure refrigerant gas at the end of the evaporation is compressed to high pressure and sent to the condenser. Meanwhile the refrigerant circulates in the cycle and the heat from the evaporator is sent by the compressor to the condenser and is released to the air passing through the condenser.
  • 1. Suction : The refrigerant pressure in the evaporator is lowered to evaporate the liquid refrigerant at a low temperature.
  • 2. Compression : The vaporized refrigerant is compressed to high temperature and high pressure and sent to the condenser to be liquefied at room temperature.
  • 3. Pumping : The refrigerant is purified through the above-mentioned suction and compression process to ensure the continuous operation.

Types and features of compressor

1. Crank type

The piston moves up and down by the crankshaft. The structure is simple with high efficiency. However, the vertical structure is hard to be installed in the engine room.
Increasing the number of cylinders is also a problem along with large torque fluctuation in the crankshaft.

2. Swash plate type

Applying the piston to the shaft in parallel with the rotation of the swash plate, it is advantageous for the complicating structure with heavy weight and small engine room; the torque fluctuation is small.

3. Variable type

The angle of the plate is changed by the suction pressure sensor of the removal valve in the wobble plate type structure to control the discharge amount.

Compressor failure factor

1. Lack of lubricant by insufficient refrigerant

The oil in the air conditioning system circulates with the refrigerant, as moisture sprayed over to the compaction part (swash plate & piston), and plays a role of lubricant. When the refrigerant is insufficient, so is the amount of oil to cause lack of lubricant; at the same time, since the suction temperature of the compressor becomes high due to the malfunctioning air conditioner, abnormal heat is generated to cause premature damage to the moving part.

  • ▶ In case of the malfunctioning air conditioner performance, it is necessary to immediately check the refrigerant quantity and refill it.
  • ▶ In winter, turn on the air conditioner on a regular basis (once every 2 weeks) to improve the circulation of refrigerant and oil.

2. Compressed fluid by refrigerant inflow

A high pressure by overcharged refrigerant and a non-evaporated gas enter the compressor as a liquid state to cause compressing a liquid; overloading the motion part of the compressor results in damage to the compressor and only operating the pulley.
When the air conditioner operates for the first time after installation, the oil in the compressor flows out and the low-pressure liquid refrigerant enters the compressor; and even the oil applied to the friction surface of the motion part is washed away, which causes a non-lubricated state until the compressor oil circulates.

3. Insufficient lubrication due to clogged refrigerant circuit

EXP-V / V ICING phenomenon, by moisture contained in the air inside the system due to a vacuum failure before injecting the refrigerant, causes blockage to operate the compressor in a non lubricated state, resulting in insufficient lubrication.

  • ▶ In the case of water flowing in the vehicle, sufficient vacuum (more than 30 minutes) operation must be performed by refrigerant recovery to remove moisture from the system.
Currently, NF, TG, Roche are being produced as a variable-type compressor of a swash plate compressor. This system detects the pressure and automatically controls the estimated amount of the compressor piston to maximize the cooling efficiency with less energy.
Contrarily, the swash plate type compressor has no automatic sensing ability and depending on the engine RPM, the cooling efficiency varies.
In order to compliment this weakness, we are trying to develop a variable type compressor.
Halla GlobalCEO : Jae Woo KimADDRESS : 36,Pyeonglidagaelo Eonyangeub, Ulju-gun, Ulsan-si, KoreaTEL : +82-52-263-0909FAX : +82-52-263-0905E-mail :